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Unlocking Access To Opportunity

At LEO Impact Capital, we unlock access to opportunity by acquiring and operating workforce housing in high impact neighborhoods.

About Us

LEO’s investment management platform harnesses the transformative potential of high impact neighborhoods to drive life-changing outcomes. Leveraging our double-bottom line approach and the resources of JBG SMITH, our NYSE-listed parent company, we deliver long-term value for investors and measurable impact for residents.

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About <span>Us</span>

Our Strategy

LEO brings a research-driven, double-bottom line approach to our work. Our strategy is designed to generate consistent returns, long-term affordability, and measurable social and environmental impact.

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Our <span>Strategy</span>

Our Impact

LEO’s Impact Framework guides our investment decisions and operating practices to drive progress toward greater social equity and broader economic opportunity.

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Our <span>Impact</span>